What are the commonly used Citrix commands ?
dsmaint config [/user:username] [/pwd:password] [/dsn:filename]
dsmaint backup destination_path
dsmaint failover direct_server
dsmaint compactdb [/ds] [/lhc]
dsmaint migrate [{ /srcdsn:dsn1 /srcuser:user1 /srcpwd:pwd1}] [{/dstdsn:dsn2 /dstuser:user2 /dstpwd:pwd2}]
dsmaint publishsqlds {/user:username /pwd:password}
dsmaint recover
dsmaint recreatelhc
dsmaint verifylhc
driveremap /drive:M
driveremap /u
driveremap /noreboot
driveremap /IME
dscheck [Options] [ /full | /clean]
[ Servers | Apps | Printers | Groups | MSLicense | Folders | Licenses ]
dscheck /full Servers [Options] Verify/Clean or Delete the server. May be left blank. Defaults to all servers.
/Clean - Modify the data store to correct the errors.
/DeleteAll - Delete the server entries from the data store.
/DeleteMF - Delete the MetaFrame Server entry from the data store.
/DeleteComSrv - Delete the Common Server entry from the data store.
dscheck /full Apps [Options]
< AppName> - Verify/Clean or Delete the application. May be left blank. Defaults to all applications.
/Clean - Modify the data store to correct the errors.
/ServerCheck - Verify that all applications are hosted by valid servers.
/DeleteMF - Delete the MetaFrame Application entry from the data store.
/DeleteComApp - Delete the Common Application entry from the data store.
dscheck /full Printers [Options]
/purge_replications - Removes all printer replications from the data store.
/purge_client_printers - Removes all Client Auto-Create printers pending deletion from the data store.
/purge_drivers - Removes all drivers that are not associated with any servers from the data store.
dscheck /full Groups [Options]
/Clean - Removes the group object. GroupName is the relative DN from the Context.
/Clean -Removes the group from the parent group.
Use the output of DSCHECK.exe GROUPS /verify" for both ParentGroupName and GroupName.
dscheck /full MSLicense [Options]
/purge_licenses - Removes all Microsoft Licenses from the data store.
/list - Lists all Microsoft Licenses in the data store.
dscheck /full Folders /clean - Collapse orphaned folders in the data store.
dscheck /full Licenses /clean - Removes all corrupt licenses from the data store.
altaddr [/server:servername] [/set alternateaddress ] [/v]
altaddr [/server:servername] [/set adapteraddress alternateaddress] [/v]
altaddr [/server:servername] [/delete] [/v]
altaddr [/server:servername] [/delete adapteraddress] [/v]
query view information about server farms, processes, servers, ICA sessions and users
query farm shows the servername, protocol and ip address
query farm /app shows the published applications
query farm /disc shows the disconnected session data for the server farm
query farm /load displays server load information
query user displays the current connections
queryhr is used to display info about the member servers in the farm. Executing queryhr with no parameters lists all servers in the farm.
chfarm is used to change the farm membership of a Citrix server
icaport is used to query or change the TCP/IP port number used by the ICA protocol
imaport is used to change the IMA port used by the server
ctxxmlss is used to change the XML service port
enablelb is used to re-enable the server back to load balancing after it fails
twconfig confgure ICA display settings
auditlog is used to view the report of users logoff and logon activity. With auditlog /time we can get time the users spent in the servers
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