Carl Stalhood

Monday, 25 March 2013

How to Backup or Move an Access Data Sore to a new Host Server

Use this procedure to install a backup of the data store or move an original data store to a new host server in the event of a hardware failure or upgrade:

1. Stop the IMA Service on Both the old host server and the new server host server.

2. Copy the backup database or the original database (mf20.mdb) to the new host server.

If you copy the back file there is the need to rename it after the copy, save yourself 5 seconds and copy the original.

3. Start the IMA Service on both servers

4. On the new host server, create a new DSN file (MF20.dsn) that points to the new localdatabase (mf20.mdb) from Step 2.

q On all servers in the farm (except the new host server), execute dsmaint failover new-host-server.

The IMA service must be running on these servers for the command to execute properly.

q On the new host server, execute dsmaint config /user:citrix /pwd:citrix /dsn:"M:\Progra Files\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture\MF20.dsn" (this points the IMA service to the newly created DSN file from Step 4.

Give the full path as show above or the procedure will fail

If security was set on the Access database, use the new user account and password information (default information is user=citrix & password=citrix).

q Change the original host server to its new role as an indirect server (it will now access the data store indirectly through the new host server) by running the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) and changing the value of the following registry key from Imaaccess.dll to Imaodbc.dll. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\IMA\DatabaseDriver

5. Stop and restart the IMA service on all farm servers.

6. When the IMA service on the new host server is running, stop and restart the IMA service on all of the other servers in the farm

powershell Citrix 6.5 -2

Cmdlet          Get-WebGlobalModule                                 Get-WebGlobalModule [[-Name] ] [-Image <...
Cmdlet          Get-WebHandler                                      Get-WebHandler [[-Name] ] [[-PSPath]
Cmdlet          Get-WebItemState                                    Get-WebItemState [[-PSPath] ] [-Protoc...
Cmdlet          Get-WebManagedModule                                Get-WebManagedModule [[-Name] ] [[-PSPat...
Cmdlet          Get-WebRequest                                      Get-WebRequest [-InputObject ] [-AppPo...
Cmdlet          Get-Website                                         Get-Website [[-Name] ] [-Verbose] [-Debu...
Cmdlet          Get-WebsiteState                                    Get-WebsiteState [[-Name] ] [-Verbose] [...
Cmdlet          Get-WebURL                                          Get-WebURL [[-PSPath] ] [-Accept
Cmdlet          Get-WebVirtualDirectory                             Get-WebVirtualDirectory [[-Name] ] [-Sit...
Cmdlet          Get-WindowsFeature                                  Get-WindowsFeature [[-Name] ] [-LogPat...
Cmdlet          Get-WinEvent                                        Get-WinEvent [[-LogName] ] [-MaxEvents...
Cmdlet          Get-WmiObject                                       Get-WmiObject [-Class] [[-Property]
Cmdlet          Get-WSManCredSSP                                    Get-WSManCredSSP [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorActi...
Cmdlet          Get-WSManInstance                                   Get-WSManInstance [-ResourceURI] [-Applica...
Cmdlet          Get-XAAccount                                       Get-XAAccount [[-SearchPath] ] -AccountA...
Cmdlet          Get-XAAccountAuthority                              Get-XAAccountAuthority [[-Name] ] [-Co...
Cmdlet          Get-XAAdministrator                                 Get-XAAdministrator [[-AdministratorName]
Cmdlet          Get-XAAdministratorFolder                           Get-XAAdministratorFolder [-AdministratorName] <...
Cmdlet          Get-XAAdministratorPrivilege                        Get-XAAdministratorPrivilege [-AdministratorName...
Cmdlet          Get-XAApplication                                   Get-XAApplication [[-BrowserName] ] [-...
Cmdlet          Get-XAApplicationIcon                               Get-XAApplicationIcon [-BrowserName] ...
Cmdlet          Get-XAApplicationParameter                          Get-XAApplicationParameter [-ApplicationType]
Cmdlet          Get-XAApplicationReport                             Get-XAApplicationReport [-BrowserName]
Cmdlet          Get-XAAppliedLoadBalancingPolicy                    Get-XAAppliedLoadBalancingPolicy [-AllowConnecti...
Cmdlet          Get-XAAutoReplicatedPrinterDriver                   Get-XAAutoReplicatedPrinterDriver [[-DriverName]...
Cmdlet          Get-XAClientModule                                  Get-XAClientModule [-ServerName] [-Sess...
Cmdlet          Get-XAConfigurationLog                              Get-XAConfigurationLog [-ComputerName ] ...
Cmdlet          Get-XADefaultComputerName                           Get-XADefaultComputerName [[-Scope] ...
Cmdlet          Get-XAFarm                                          Get-XAFarm [-LocalhostOnly] [-ComputerName
Cmdlet          Get-XAFileType                                      Get-XAFileType [-Farm] [-AssociatedOnly] [-Compu...
Cmdlet          Get-XAFolder                                        Get-XAFolder [[-FolderPath] ] [-Recurs...
Cmdlet          Get-XALoadBalancingPolicy                           Get-XALoadBalancingPolicy [[-PolicyName]
Cmdlet          Get-XALoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration              Get-XALoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration [[-Policy...
Cmdlet          Get-XALoadBalancingPolicyFilter                     Get-XALoadBalancingPolicyFilter [[-PolicyName] <...
Cmdlet          Get-XALoadEvaluator                                 Get-XALoadEvaluator [[-LoadEvaluatorName]
Cmdlet          Get-XAMemoryOptimization                            Get-XAMemoryOptimization [-ServerName]
Cmdlet          Get-XAPrinterDriver                                 Get-XAPrinterDriver [[-DriverName] ] [...
Cmdlet          Get-XAResultantLoadBalancingPolicy                  Get-XAResultantLoadBalancingPolicy [-PolicyName]...
Cmdlet          Get-XAServer                                        Get-XAServer [[-ServerName] ] [-Full] ...
Cmdlet          Get-XAServerHotfix                                  Get-XAServerHotfix [-ServerName] [-Co...
Cmdlet          Get-XAServerLoad                                    Get-XAServerLoad [[-ServerName] ] [-Co...
Cmdlet          Get-XASession                                       Get-XASession [[-SessionId] ] [-ServerN...
Cmdlet          Get-XASessionPrinter                                Get-XASessionPrinter [-ServerName] [-Se...
Cmdlet          Get-XASessionProcess                                Get-XASessionProcess [-ServerName] [-Se...
Cmdlet          Get-XASessionProfile                                Get-XASessionProfile [-ServerName] [-Se...
Cmdlet          Get-XAStreamingSession                              Get-XAStreamingSession [[-ServerName] ...
Cmdlet          Get-XAWorkerGroup                                   Get-XAWorkerGroup [[-WorkerGroupName] ...
Cmdlet          Get-XAWorkerGroupServer                             Get-XAWorkerGroupServer [-WorkerGroupName]
Cmdlet          Get-XAZone                                          Get-XAZone [-ComputerName ] [-Verbose] [...
Alias           ghy                                                 Get-History
Alias           gi                                                  Get-Item
Alias           gjb                                                 Get-Job
Alias           gl                                                  Get-Location
Alias           gm                                                  Get-Member
Alias           gmo                                                 Get-Module
Alias           gp                                                  Get-ItemProperty
Alias           gps                                                 Get-Process
Alias           group                                               Group-Object
Cmdlet          Group-Object                                        Group-Object [[-Property] ] [-NoElemen...
Alias           gsn                                                 Get-PSSession
Alias           gsnp                                                Get-PSSnapIn
Alias           gsv                                                 Get-Service
Alias           gu                                                  Get-Unique
Alias           gv                                                  Get-Variable
Alias           gwmi                                                Get-WmiObject
Alias           h                                                   Get-History
Function        H:                                                  Set-Location H:
Function        help                                                ...
Alias           history                                             Get-History
Function        I:                                                  Set-Location I:
Alias           icm                                                 Invoke-Command
Alias           iex                                                 Invoke-Expression
Alias           ihy                                                 Invoke-History
Alias           ii                                                  Invoke-Item
Function        IIS:                                                set-location IIS:
Cmdlet          Import-Alias                                        Import-Alias [-Path] [-Scope ] ...
Cmdlet          Import-Clixml                                       Import-Clixml [-Path] [-Verbose] [-De...
Cmdlet          Import-Counter                                      Import-Counter [-Path] [-StartTime
Cmdlet          Import-Csv                                          Import-Csv [-Path] [[-Delimiter]
Cmdlet          Import-CtxGPTemplate                                Import-CtxGPTemplate [-Path] [-Force]...
Function        Import-CtxGroupPolicy                               ...
Cmdlet          Import-GPO                                          Import-GPO -BackupId -Path [-Tar...
Cmdlet          Import-LocalizedData                                Import-LocalizedData [-BindingVariable] ...
Cmdlet          Import-Module                                       Import-Module [-Name] [-Global] [-Pre...
Cmdlet          Import-PSSession                                    Import-PSSession [-Session] [[-Comma...
Function        ImportSystemModules                                 ...
Cmdlet          Import-XALegacyApplication                          Import-XALegacyApplication [-FilePath] ...
Cmdlet          Install-ADRMS                                       Install-ADRMS [-Path] [-Force] [-Verbos...
Cmdlet          Invoke-BpaModel                                     Invoke-BpaModel [-BestPracticesModelId] ...
Cmdlet          Invoke-Command                                      Invoke-Command [-ScriptBlock] [-In...
Cmdlet          Invoke-Expression                                   Invoke-Expression [-Command] [-Verbose]...
Cmdlet          Invoke-History                                      Invoke-History [[-Id] ] [-Verbose] [-Deb...
Cmdlet          Invoke-Item                                         Invoke-Item [-Path] [-Filter ...
Cmdlet          Invoke-TroubleshootingPack                          Invoke-TroubleshootingPack [-Pack] [-...
Cmdlet          Invoke-WmiMethod                                    Invoke-WmiMethod [-Class] [-Name]
Cmdlet          Invoke-WSManAction                                  Invoke-WSManAction [-ResourceURI] [-Action...
Alias           ipal                                                Import-Alias
Alias           ipcsv                                               Import-Csv
Alias           ipmo                                                Import-Module
Alias           ipsn                                                Import-PSSession
Alias           ise                                                 powershell_ise.exe
Alias           iwmi                                                Invoke-WMIMethod
Function        J:                                                  Set-Location J:
Cmdlet          Join-Path                                           Join-Path [-Path] [-ChildPath]
Function        K:                                                  Set-Location K:
Alias           kill                                                Stop-Process
Function        L:                                                  Set-Location L:
Cmdlet          Limit-EventLog                                      Limit-EventLog [-LogName] [-ComputerN...
Alias           lp                                                  Out-Printer
Alias           ls                                                  Get-ChildItem
Function        M:                                                  Set-Location M:
Alias           man                                                 help
Alias           md                                                  mkdir
Alias           measure                                             Measure-Object
Cmdlet          Measure-Command                                     Measure-Command [-Expression] 
Cmdlet          Measure-Object                                      Measure-Object [[-Property] ] [-
Alias           mi                                                  Move-Item
Function        mkdir                                               ...
Function        more                                                param([string[]]$paths)...
Alias           mount                                               New-PSDrive
Alias           move                                                Move-Item
Cmdlet          Move-Item                                           Move-Item [-Path] [[-Destination] 
Cmdlet          Move-ItemProperty                                   Move-ItemProperty [-Path] [-Destinati...
Cmdlet          Move-XAApplication                                  Move-XAApplication [-BrowserName] <
Cmdlet          Move-XAFolder                                       Move-XAFolder [-FolderPath] [-ToFolde...
Cmdlet          Move-XAServer                                       Move-XAServer [-ServerName]  
Cmdlet          Move-XAWorkerGroup                                  Move-XAWorkerGroup [-WorkerGroupName] ...
Alias           mp                                                  Move-ItemProperty
Alias           mv                                                  Move-Item
Function        N:                                                  Set-Location N:
Alias           nal                                                 New-Alias
Alias           ndr                                                 New-PSDrive
Cmdlet          New-Alias                                           New-Alias [-Name] [-Value]  
Cmdlet          New-AppLockerPolicy                                 New-AppLockerPolicy [-FileInformation] 
Function        New-CtxGroupPolicy                                  ...
Cmdlet          New-CtxInformationPackage                           New-CtxInformationPackage [-
Cmdlet          New-Event                                           New-Event [-SourceIdentifier] [[-

power-shell for Citrix Xenapp 6.5 -1

Cmdlet          Get-WebAppDomain                                    Get-WebAppDomain [-InputObject 
Cmdlet          Get-WebApplication                                  Get-WebApplication [[-Name] ] [-
Cmdlet          Get-WebAppPoolState                                 Get-WebAppPoolState [[-Name] 
Cmdlet          Get-WebBinding                                      Get-WebBinding [[-Name] ] [-
Cmdlet          Get-WebConfigFile                                   Get-WebConfigFile [[-PSPath]
Cmdlet          Get-WebConfiguration                                Get-WebConfiguration [-Filter]  
Cmdlet          Get-WebConfigurationBackup                          Get-WebConfigurationBackup [[-
Cmdlet          Get-WebConfigurationLocation                        Get-WebConfigurationLocation [[-
Cmdlet          Get-WebConfigurationLock                            Get-WebConfigurationLock [-Filter] 
Cmdlet          Get-WebConfigurationProperty                        Get-WebConfigurationProperty [-
Cmdlet          Get-WebFilePath                                     Get-WebFilePath [[-PSPath] ] [-
Cmdlet          New-GPLink                                          New-GPLink -Guid -Target  
Cmdlet          New-GPO                                             New-GPO [-Name] [-Comment <
Cmdlet          New-GPStarterGPO                                    New-GPStarterGPO [-Name] [-
Cmdlet          New-Item                                            New-Item [-Path] [-ItemType <
Cmdlet          New-ItemProperty                                    New-ItemProperty [-Path] [-
Cmdlet          New-Module                                          New-Module [-ScriptBlock] [-
Cmdlet          New-ModuleManifest                                  New-ModuleManifest [-Path] -
Cmdlet          New-Object                                          New-Object [-TypeName] [[-
Cmdlet          New-PSDrive                                         New-PSDrive [-Name] [-
Cmdlet          New-PSSession                                       New-PSSession [[-ComputerName] 
Cmdlet          New-PSSessionOption                                 New-PSSessionOption [-
Cmdlet          New-Service                                         New-Service [-Name] [-
Cmdlet          New-TimeSpan                                        New-TimeSpan [[-Start] ] [[-
Cmdlet          New-Variable                                        New-Variable [-Name] [[-Value] 
Cmdlet          New-WebApplication                                  New-WebApplication [-Name]  
Cmdlet          New-WebAppPool                                      New-WebAppPool [-Name] [-Force] [-Verbo...
Cmdlet          New-WebBinding                                      New-WebBinding [[-Name] ] [-Protocol
Cmdlet          New-WebFtpSite                                      New-WebFtpSite [-Name] [-Id ] [...
Cmdlet          New-WebGlobalModule                                 New-WebGlobalModule [-Name] [-Image
Cmdlet          New-WebHandler                                      New-WebHandler [-Name] [[-
Cmdlet          New-WebManagedModule                                New-WebManagedModule [-Name] 
Cmdlet          New-WebServiceProxy                                 New-WebServiceProxy [-Uri] [[-
Cmdlet          New-Website                                         New-Website [-Name] [-Id 
Cmdlet          New-WebVirtualDirectory                             New-WebVirtualDirectory [-Name] 
Cmdlet          New-WSManInstance                                   New-WSManInstance [-ResourceURI] 
Cmdlet          New-WSManSessionOption                              New-WSManSessionOption [-
Cmdlet          New-XAAdministrator                                 New-XAAdministrator [-
Cmdlet          New-XAApplication                                   New-XAApplication [-ApplicationType] 
Cmdlet          New-XAFolder                                        New-XAFolder [-FolderPath] [-
Cmdlet          New-XALoadBalancingPolicy                           New-XALoadBalancingPolicy [-
Cmdlet          New-XALoadEvaluator                                 New-XALoadEvaluator [-
Cmdlet          New-XAPreLaunchApplication                          New-XAPreLaunchApplication [-
Cmdlet          New-XAWorkerGroup                                   New-XAWorkerGroup [-
Alias           ni                                                  New-Item
Alias           nmo                                                 New-Module
Alias           nsn                                                 New-PSSession
Alias           nv                                                  New-Variable
Function        O:                                                  Set-Location O:
Alias           ogv                                                 Out-GridView
Alias           oh                                                  Out-Host
Cmdlet          Out-Default                                         Out-Default [-InputObject ] [-Verbose]...
Cmdlet          Out-File                                            Out-File [-FilePath] [[-Encoding]
Cmdlet          Out-GridView                                        Out-GridView [-InputObject ] [-Title <...
Cmdlet          Out-Host                                            Out-Host [-Paging] [-InputObject ] [-V...
Cmdlet          Out-Null                                            Out-Null [-InputObject ] [-Verbose] [-...
Cmdlet          Out-Printer                                         Out-Printer [[-Name] ] [-InputObject
Cmdlet          Out-String                                          Out-String [-Stream] [-Width ] [-InputObj...
Function        P:                                                  Set-Location P:
Alias           popd                                                Pop-Location
Cmdlet          Pop-Location                                        Pop-Location [-PassThru] [-StackName ] [...
Function        prompt                                              $(if (test-path variable:/PSDebugContext) { '[DB...
Alias           ps                                                  Get-Process
Alias           pushd                                               Push-Location
Cmdlet          Push-Location                                       Push-Location [[-Path] ] [-PassThru] 
Alias           pwd                                                 Get-Location
Function        Q:                                                  Set-Location Q:
Alias           r                                                   Invoke-History
Function        R:                                                  Set-Location R:
Alias           rbp                                                 Remove-PSBreakpoint
Alias           rcjb                                                Receive-Job
Alias           rd                                                  Remove-Item
Alias           rdr                                                 Remove-PSDrive
Cmdlet          Read-Host                                           Read-Host [[-Prompt] ] [-
Cmdlet          Receive-Job                                         Receive-Job [-Job] [[-Location] 
Cmdlet          Register-EngineEvent                                Register-EngineEvent [-SourceIdentifier] 
Cmdlet          Register-ObjectEvent                                Register-ObjectEvent [-InputObject] 
Cmdlet          Register-PSSessionConfiguration                     Register-PSSessionConfiguration 
Cmdlet          Register-WmiEvent                                   Register-WmiEvent [-Class] [[-
Cmdlet          Remove-BitsTransfer                                 Remove-BitsTransfer [-BitsJob] 
Cmdlet          Remove-Computer                                     Remove-Computer [[-Credential] <
Function        Remove-CtxGroupPolicy                               ...
Function        Remove-CtxGroupPolicyFilter                         ...
Cmdlet          Remove-Event                                        Remove-Event [-SourceIdentifier]  
Cmdlet          Remove-EventLog                                     Remove-EventLog [-LogName]  
Cmdlet          Remove-GPLink                                       Remove-GPLink -Guid -Target <
Cmdlet          Remove-GPO                                          Remove-GPO -Guid [-Domain 
Cmdlet          Remove-GPPrefRegistryValue                          Remove-GPPrefRegistryValue [[-
Cmdlet          Remove-GPRegistryValue                              Remove-GPRegistryValue [-Guid] 
Cmdlet          Remove-Item                                         Remove-Item [-Path] [-Filter 
Cmdlet          Remove-ItemProperty                                 Remove-ItemProperty [-Path]  
Cmdlet          Remove-Job                                          Remove-Job [-Id] [-Force] [-
Cmdlet          Remove-Module                                       Remove-Module [-Name] [-
Cmdlet          Remove-PSBreakpoint                                 Remove-PSBreakpoint [-Breakpoint] 
Cmdlet          Remove-PSDrive                                      Remove-PSDrive [-Name] [-
Cmdlet          Remove-PSSession                                    Remove-PSSession [-Id] [-
Cmdlet          Remove-PSSnapin                                     Remove-PSSnapin [-Name] [-
Cmdlet          Remove-Variable                                     Remove-Variable [-Name] [-Include
Cmdlet          Remove-VGPU                                         Remove-VGPU [-VirtualMachine] [-ShutD...
Cmdlet          Remove-WebApplication                               Remove-WebApplication [-Name] [-Site
Cmdlet          Remove-WebAppPool                                   Remove-WebAppPool [-Name] [-Verbose] [-...
Cmdlet          Remove-WebBinding                                   Remove-WebBinding [-Protocol ] [-Name
Cmdlet          Remove-WebConfigurationBackup                       Remove-WebConfigurationBackup [[-Name] ]...
Cmdlet          Remove-WebConfigurationLocation                     Remove-WebConfigurationLocation [[-PSPath]
Cmdlet          Remove-WebConfigurationLock                         Remove-WebConfigurationLock [-Filter] ...
Cmdlet          Remove-WebConfigurationProperty                     Remove-WebConfigurationProperty [-Filter]
Cmdlet          Remove-WebGlobalModule                              Remove-WebGlobalModule [-Name] [-Verbos...
Cmdlet          Remove-WebHandler                                   Remove-WebHandler [-Name] [[-PSPath]
Cmdlet          Remove-WebManagedModule                             Remove-WebManagedModule [-Name] [[-PSPa...
Cmdlet          Remove-Website                                      Remove-Website [-Name] [-Verbose] [-Deb...
Cmdlet          Remove-WebVirtualDirectory                          Remove-WebVirtualDirectory [-Name] [-Si...
Cmdlet          Remove-WindowsFeature                               Remove-WindowsFeature [-Name] [-LogP...
Cmdlet          Remove-WmiObject                                    Remove-WmiObject [-Class] [-AsJob] [-Im...
Cmdlet          Remove-WSManInstance                                Remove-WSManInstance [-ResourceURI] [-Sele...
Cmdlet          Remove-XAAdministrator                              Remove-XAAdministrator [-AdministratorName]
Cmdlet          Remove-XAAdministratorPrivilege                     Remove-XAAdministratorPrivilege [-AdministratorN...
Cmdlet          Remove-XAApplication                                Remove-XAApplication [-BrowserName] [...
Cmdlet          Remove-XAApplicationAccount                         Remove-XAApplicationAccount [-BrowserName]
Cmdlet          Remove-XAApplicationFileType                        Remove-XAApplicationFileType [-BrowserName]
Cmdlet          Remove-XAApplicationServer                          Remove-XAApplicationServer [-
Cmdlet          Remove-XAApplicationWorkerGroup                     Remove-
Cmdlet          Remove-XAAutoReplicatedPrinterDriver                Remove-
Cmdlet          Remove-XAFolder                                     Remove-XAFolder [-FolderPath] 
Cmdlet          Remove-XALoadBalancingPolicy                        Remove-XALoadBalancingPolicy 
Cmdlet          Remove-XALoadEvaluator                              Remove-XALoadEvaluator [-
Cmdlet          Remove-XAServer                                     Remove-XAServer [-ServerName] 
Cmdlet          Remove-XAWorkerGroup                                Remove-XAWorkerGroup [-
Cmdlet          Remove-XAWorkerGroupServer                          Remove-XAWorkerGroupServer 
Alias           ren                                                 Rename-Item
Cmdlet          Rename-GPO                                          Rename-GPO -Guid -TargetName 
Cmdlet          Rename-Item                                         Rename-Item [-Path] [-NewName] 
Cmdlet          Rename-ItemProperty                                 Rename-ItemProperty [-Path] [-
Cmdlet          Rename-WebConfigurationLocation                     Rename-
Cmdlet          Rename-XAApplication                                Rename-XAApplication [-
Cmdlet          Rename-XAFolder                                     Rename-XAFolder [-FolderPath] 
Cmdlet          Rename-XALoadBalancingPolicy                        Rename-XALoadBalancingPolicy 
Cmdlet          Rename-XALoadEvaluator                              Rename-XALoadEvaluator [-
Cmdlet          Rename-XAWorkerGroup                                Rename-XAWorkerGroup [-
Cmdlet          Rename-XAZone                                       Rename-XAZone [-ZoneName]  
Cmdlet          Reset-ComputerMachinePassword                       Reset-
Cmdlet          Resolve-Path                                        Resolve-Path [-Path] [-Relative] [-
Cmdlet          Restart-Computer                                    Restart-Computer [[-ComputerName] 
Cmdlet          Restart-Service                                     Restart-Service [-Name] [-Force] 
Cmdlet          Restart-WebAppPool                                  Restart-WebAppPool [[-Name] 
Cmdlet          Restart-WebItem                                     Restart-WebItem [[-PSPath] ] [-
Cmdlet          Restore-Computer                                    Restore-Computer [-RestorePoint] 
Cmdlet          Restore-GPO                                         Restore-GPO -BackupId -Path 
Cmdlet          Restore-WebConfiguration                            Restore-WebConfiguration [-Name] 
Cmdlet          Resume-BitsTransfer                                 Resume-BitsTransfer [-BitsJob] 
Cmdlet          Resume-Service                                      Resume-Service [-Name] [-
Alias           ri                                                  Remove-Item
Alias           rjb                                                 Remove-Job
Alias           rm                                                  Remove-Item
Alias           rmdir                                               Remove-Item
Alias           rmo                                                 Remove-Module
Alias           rni                                                 Rename-Item
Alias           rnp                                                 Rename-ItemProperty
Alias           rp                                                  Remove-ItemProperty
Alias           rsn                                                 Remove-PSSession
Alias           rsnp                                                Remove-PSSnapin
Alias           rv                                                  Remove-Variable
Alias           rvpa                                                Resolve-Path
Alias           rwmi                                                Remove-WMIObject
Function        S:                                                  Set-Location S:
Alias           sajb                                                Start-Job
Alias           sal                                                 Set-Alias
Alias           saps                                                Start-Process
Alias           sasv                                                Start-Service
Alias           sbp                                                 Set-PSBreakpoint
Alias           sc                                                  Set-Content
Alias           select                                              Select-Object
Cmdlet          Select-Object                                       Select-Object [[-Property] ] [-
Cmdlet          Select-String                                       Select-String [-Pattern] -I
Cmdlet          Select-WebConfiguration                             Select-WebConfiguration [-Filter] 
Cmdlet          Select-Xml                                          Select-Xml [-XPath] [-Xml] ..
Cmdlet          Send-MailMessage                                    Send-MailMessage [-To] [-
Cmdlet          Send-XASessionMessage                               Send-XASessionMessage [-
Alias           set                                                 Set-Variable
Cmdlet          Set-Acl                                             Set-Acl [-Path] [-AclObject] 
Cmdlet          Set-Alias                                           Set-Alias [-Name] [-Value] [-
Cmdlet          Set-AppLockerPolicy                                 Set-AppLockerPolicy [-XmlPolicy] 
Cmdlet          Set-AuthenticodeSignature                           Set-AuthenticodeSignature [-FilePath] 
Cmdlet          Set-BitsTransfer                                    Set-BitsTransfer [-BitsJob] [-
Cmdlet          Set-BpaResult                                       Set-BpaResult [-BestPracticesModelId] 
Cmdlet          Set-Content                                         Set-Content [-Path] [-Value] 
Function        Set-CtxGroupPolicy                                  ...
Function        Set-CtxGroupPolicyConfiguration                     ...
Function        Set-CtxGroupPolicyFilter                            ...
Cmdlet          Set-Date                                            Set-Date [-Date] [-DisplayHint 
Cmdlet          Set-ExecutionPolicy                                 Set-ExecutionPolicy [-ExecutionPolicy] 
Cmdlet          Set-GPInheritance                                   Set-GPInheritance [-Target] -
Cmdlet          Set-GPLink                                          Set-GPLink -Guid -Target [-
Cmdlet          Set-GPPermissions                                   Set-GPPermissions -Guid -
Cmdlet          Set-GPPrefRegistryValue                             Set-GPPrefRegistryValue -Guid 
Cmdlet          Set-GPRegistryValue                                 Set-GPRegistryValue -Guid -Key 
Cmdlet          Set-Item                                            Set-Item [-Path] [[-Value] ] ...
Cmdlet          Set-ItemProperty                                    Set-ItemProperty [-Path] [-Name] 
Cmdlet          Set-Location                                        Set-Location [[-Path] ] [-PassThru] [-
Function        Set-LogProperties                                   ...
Cmdlet          Set-PersonalVirtualDesktop                          Set-PersonalVirtualDesktop [-User] 
Cmdlet          Set-PSBreakpoint                                    Set-PSBreakpoint [-Script] [-
Cmdlet          Set-PSDebug                                         Set-PSDebug [-Trace ] [-Step] [-
Cmdlet          Set-PSSessionConfiguration                          Set-PSSessionConfiguration [-
Cmdlet          Set-Service                                         Set-Service [-Name] [-
Cmdlet          Set-StrictMode                                      Set-StrictMode -Version [-
Cmdlet          Set-TraceSource                                     Set-TraceSource [-Name] [[-
Cmdlet          Set-Variable                                        Set-Variable [-Name] [[-Value] 
Cmdlet          Set-VGPUConfiguration                               Set-VGPUConfiguration [-
Cmdlet          Set-WebBinding                                      Set-WebBinding [[-Name] ] [[-
Cmdlet          Set-WebConfiguration                                Set-WebConfiguration [-Filter]  
Cmdlet          Set-WebConfigurationProperty                        Set-WebConfigurationProperty [-
Cmdlet          Set-WebGlobalModule                                 Set-WebGlobalModule [-Name] 
Cmdlet          Set-WebHandler                                      Set-WebHandler [-Name] [[-
Cmdlet          Set-WebManagedModule                                Set-WebManagedModule [-Name] 
Cmdlet          Set-WmiInstance                                     Set-WmiInstance [-Class] [[-
Cmdlet          Set-WSManInstance                                   Set-WSManInstance [-ResourceURI] 
Cmdlet          Set-WSManQuickConfig                                Set-WSManQuickConfig [-UseSSL] [-
Cmdlet          Set-XAAdministrator                                 Set-XAAdministrator [-
Cmdlet          Set-XAAdministratorFolder                           Set-XAAdministratorFolder [-
Cmdlet          Set-XAApplication                                   Set-XAApplication [-BrowserName] 
Cmdlet          Set-XAApplicationLoadEvaluator                      Set-XAApplicationLoadEvaluator [-
Cmdlet          Set-XAConfigurationLog                              Set-XAConfigurationLog [-
Cmdlet          Set-XADefaultComputerName                           Set-XADefaultComputerName [-
Cmdlet          Set-XALoadBalancingPolicy                           Set-XALoadBalancingPolicy [-
Cmdlet          Set-XALoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration              Set-
Cmdlet          Set-XALoadBalancingPolicyFilter                     Set-XALoadBalancingPolicyFilter [-
Cmdlet          Set-XALoadEvaluator                                 Set-XALoadEvaluator [-
Cmdlet          Set-XAServerLogOnMode                               Set-XAServerLogOnMode [-
Cmdlet          Set-XAServerZone                                    Set-XAServerZone [-ServerName] 
Cmdlet          Set-XAWorkerGroup                                   Set-XAWorkerGroup [-
Cmdlet          Show-EventLog                                       Show-EventLog [[-ComputerName] 
Alias           si                                                  Set-Item
Alias           sl                                                  Set-Location
Alias           sleep                                               Start-Sleep
Alias           sort                                                Sort-Object
Cmdlet          Sort-Object                                         Sort-Object [[-Property] ] [-
Alias           sp                                                  Set-ItemProperty
Alias           spjb                                                Stop-Job
Cmdlet          Split-Path                                          Split-Path [-Path] [-LiteralPath
Alias           spps                                                Stop-Process
Alias           spsv                                                Stop-Service
Alias           start                                               Start-Process
Cmdlet          Start-BitsTransfer                                  Start-BitsTransfer [-Source] [[-Desti...
Cmdlet          Start-CtxTraceSession                               Start-CtxTraceSession [-TraceProviders]
Cmdlet          Start-Job                                           Start-Job [-ScriptBlock] [[-Initia...
Cmdlet          Start-Process                                       Start-Process [-FilePath] [[-ArgumentLi...
Cmdlet          Start-Service                                       Start-Service [-Name] [-PassThru] [-I...
Cmdlet          Start-Sleep                                         Start-Sleep [-Seconds] [-Verbose] [-Debu...
Function        Start-Trace                                         ...
Cmdlet          Start-Transaction                                   Start-Transaction [-Timeout ] [-Independe...
Cmdlet          Start-Transcript                                    Start-Transcript [[-Path] ] [-Append] 
Cmdlet          Start-WebAppPool                                    Start-WebAppPool [[-Name] ] [-
Cmdlet          Start-WebCommitDelay                                Start-WebCommitDelay [-Verbose] [-
Cmdlet          Start-WebItem                                       Start-WebItem [[-PSPath] ] [-
Cmdlet          Start-Website                                       Start-Website [[-Name] ] [-Passthru] 
Cmdlet          Start-XAPrinterDriverReplication                    Start-XAPrinterDriverReplication [-
Cmdlet          Stop-Computer                                       Stop-Computer [[-ComputerName] 
Cmdlet          Stop-CtxTraceSession                                Stop-CtxTraceSession [[-ServerName] 
Cmdlet          Stop-Job                                            Stop-Job [-Id] [-PassThru] [-Verbose] 
Cmdlet          Stop-Process                                        Stop-Process [-Id] [-PassThru] [-
Cmdlet          Stop-Service                                        Stop-Service [-Name] [-Force] [-
Function        Stop-Trace                                          ...
Cmdlet          Stop-Transcript                                     Stop-Transcript [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-
Cmdlet          Stop-WebAppPool                                     Stop-WebAppPool [[-Name] ] [-
Cmdlet          Stop-WebCommitDelay                                 Stop-WebCommitDelay [[-PSPath] 
Cmdlet          Stop-WebItem                                        Stop-WebItem [[-PSPath] ] [-
Cmdlet          Stop-Website                                        Stop-Website [[-Name] ] [-Passthru] 
Cmdlet          Stop-XASession                                      Stop-XASession [-SessionId] [-
Cmdlet          Stop-XASessionProcess                               Stop-XASessionProcess [-
Cmdlet          Suspend-BitsTransfer                                Suspend-BitsTransfer [-BitsJob] 
Cmdlet          Suspend-Service                                     Suspend-Service [-Name] [-
Alias           sv                                                  Set-Variable
Alias           swmi                                                Set-WMIInstance
Alias           tee                                                 Tee-Object
Cmdlet          Tee-Object                                          Tee-Object [-FilePath] [-InputObject 
Cmdlet          Test-AppLockerPolicy                                Test-AppLockerPolicy [-XmlPolicy] 
Cmdlet          Test-ComputerSecureChannel                          Test-ComputerSecureChannel [-
Cmdlet          Test-Connection                                     Test-Connection [-ComputerName] 
Cmdlet          Test-ModuleManifest                                 Test-ModuleManifest [-Path] [-
Cmdlet          Test-Path                                           Test-Path [-Path] [-Filter ] ...
Cmdlet          Test-WSMan                                          Test-WSMan [[-ComputerName] ] [-
Cmdlet          Test-XAConfigurationLog                             Test-XAConfigurationLog [-
Cmdlet          Trace-Command                                       Trace-Command [-Name] [-
Cmdlet          Undo-Transaction                                    Undo-Transaction [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-
Cmdlet          Uninstall-ADRMS                                     Uninstall-ADRMS [-ADFSOnly] [-Force] [-
Cmdlet          Unregister-Event                                    Unregister-Event [-SourceIdentifier] 
Cmdlet          Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration                   Unregister-
Cmdlet          Update-ADRMS                                        Update-ADRMS [-ServiceAccount] 
Cmdlet          Update-FormatData                                   Update-FormatData [[-AppendPath] 
Cmdlet          Update-List                                         Update-List [[-Property] ] [-Add 
Cmdlet          Update-TypeData                                     Update-TypeData [[-AppendPath] 
Cmdlet          Update-XAFileType                                   Update-XAFileType [-ServerName] .
Cmdlet          Update-XAPrinterDriver                              Update-XAPrinterDriver [[-ServerName]                                               
Cmdlet          Write-Debug                                         Write-Debug [-Message] [-
Cmdlet          Write-Error                                         Write-Error [-Message] [-Category 
Cmdlet          Write-EventLog                                      Write-EventLog [-LogName] [-
Cmdlet          Write-Host                                          Write-Host [[-Object] ] [-NoNewline] [-
Cmdlet          Write-Output                                        Write-Output [-InputObject] [-
Cmdlet          Write-Progress                                      Write-Progress [-Activity] [-Status] 
Cmdlet          Write-Verbose                                       Write-Verbose [-Message] [-
Cmdlet          Write-Warning                                       Write-Warning [-Message] [-
Function        X:                                                  Set-Location X:
Function        Y:                                                  Set-Location Y:
Function        Z:                                                  Set-Location Z: